Friday, January 16, 2009

A Miracle on Hudson River

Flocks of geese flying
Frigid Hudson was waiting
Praise God, the plane lives.
e. industan

Yesterday, Jan. 15th, it was in the upper 70s in southern California but in the low 20s in New York. I sat comfortably on our couch hoping to watch my favorite after lunch tv program, The People’s Court. And I never regretted when “People’s” didn’t show up. My eyes were glued to Hudson River, the river that separates Jersey City and New York City. An airbus of US Airways, with 150 passengers and 5 airline crew landed safely in the river few minutes after it left La Guardia Airport, and the blue and red beaming vessels of the NYPD and Coast Guards, and a flotilla of water commuter ferries and water taxis were busy rescuing the passengers, many of them standing on the plane's wings. Everyone was reported safe; most were taken to hospitals for hypothermia and bruises. Thank God for the pilot, who stayed his cool as he made the emergency water landing; thank God, everyone was reported alive.

It was reported that the mishap might be caused by a large flock of Canadian geese sucked in by both engine. The big birds were too much for the engines to withstand.

The hybrid haiku was written to remember one of the coldest days in New York, the risk of flying when big birds are competing for air space, the smartness of the pilot and the crew, the immediate response of the water vessels, and, most importantly,God's miracle on Hudson.

Note: Want to read more praise haiku? PRAISING ALL SEASONS LONG: Haiku Verses has just been released by Comfort Publishing and can be purchased online. It’s is a collection of 145- praise haiku and is very good gift for those in need of affirmation that God is still in control of everything, despite uncertainties and challenges in life. Its $9.99 price is cheaper than a doz. roses and a better investment for eternity.

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