Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Six-layer dresses were worn.
Souls braved the long hours.

There were throng of people in Washington D.C. They came everywhere…from coast to coast. They braved the freezing cold before a rooster crows. Many covered even their brows. They were there to witness the President's Inauguration.

I woke up at 5 am here in California. Eyes focused on the wide-screen. I waited while sipping a piping hot black coffee in my den. I was anxious to witness the reality of the clerihew I wrote during the campaign.

Presenting to you, Barack Obama
Blah…blah…endorsed by our beloved, Oprah
African, Caucasian, Indonesian… (?)… Oh, well, American
If he’d win, the face at the oval office would historically change, man!

Mabuhay! ( Long-live!), the first colored US president. Like anybody else, I am proud to address you as Mr. President. His early exposure to different culture definitely makes him a caring, keen, well-rounded man. I am not sure if others would consider me as smart or judicious man, because I could not control myself but to drop any word qualifier and just call the 44th US President an American.

What is U.S.A?
Surely, it’s a melting pot.
Not all men are white.

It showed in the crowd. Different colors were in D.C; they’re behavior were very good. What I didn’t see was the color of cherry blossoms, but I know, for sure, it will pop up on the banks of the Potomac River sometime in spring.

It was announced that the President attended a church service at St. John’s. No worries! I enjoyed watching people, anyways. They patiently waited in line for the much-needed security posts. Their excitement to be part of this inaugural history overpowered the freezing cold and sneezes.


Brrmm…went the sound.
The motorcade has begun.
Lincoln sat to wait.

Blue and red beaming police bikes with sirens led the convoy. I didn’t hear the sirens on TV, but I was pretty sure they were loud to warn spectators never to try. A new black limousine was among them. Inside were the outgoing and the incoming US Presidents.

Cheering crowd? Millions!
Buntings waved! They’re like the waves.
Sea of humans…’twas!

I saw smiling faces. I saw frowning kids. They perched on their dads’ shoulder. They were there to say in the future, “I witnessed a president’s history in the making.”

I saw raise-the-roof being made. I heard hollers and yelps. I heard highly-charged comments. Everyone was hoping for a positive result. Everyone needs a breather amidst the world's tumult.

(c) Edmund Melig Industan, 2009

NOTE#1: 2nd installment to be posted tomorrow.

NOTE#2: A gift book, PRAISING ALL SEASONS LONG: Haiku Verses, can be purchased now on Comfort Publishing's online store. Price is just $9.99, cheaper than a dozen roses and a very good gift to those needing comfort, encouragement, and affirmation that, despite uncertainties and challenges in life, God is still in control of everything.

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